Devante Weary

But it's much easier to draw 99 of the item mindlessly than gather and refine stuff or find other ways to do it.

A lot of people hated the draw system. I didn't. But looking back, I do realize it was kind of a poorly developed system. You'd just sit there drawing from an enemy over and over until you got 99 of whatever magic.

I love how they say, "... comes a fangame unlike anything you've experienced..." and then proceed to show a game using a great deal of assets from previous games.

Never got around to System Shock 2. Should I play the first one first?

Just picked up Beyond Two Souls for PS3 for $10 yesterday and Destiny was on sale for $15. A few other really good prices there. All at GameStop.

Ugh why does Hyrule Warriors have to be so expensive? I want it but playing a demo, it seems like a $40 game at best!

Hold up... there's a new Dissidia after 012???

For those who don't know, certain gas stations around America have been using registers that use the Sonic 'grabs a ring' sound and the 99cents only story in CA has the ICQ 'UH OH' sound.

Are we... listening to the same thing? It doesn't sound phenominal or anything but it certainly doesn't like an 'awful holiday performance'. Just sounds like unremarkable singing and nothing else.

What was wrong with 3rd Birthday? I played basically all 3 in a row and 3rd Birthday was fun.

I don't understand... Resident Evil has been remade so many times now, even now there's a new remake.

You find a woman driving in a house coat, you let me know.


Eh you're right, I was drunk and sassy.

Thanks for the reply to my admittedly drunken comment! It's informative.

I mix up with copyrights and trademarks. So which one is it that they are 'forced' to enforce and why?

I mean, maybe they are technically, but this is always a crummy move on the part of video game companies that very rarely makes much sense.

I'm givin' 'er all she's got!

Oh, hi reddit.
