Devante Weary

Just 2 days after the fan translation (18 months in progress) is finally released.

Goji, please do yourself a favor and ignore Dragon's Dogma in favor of Xenoblade.

Gojiguy, Xenoblade Chronicles is probably one of the best RPG's I've played in a decade, and really I would say it's in my top 5. It is truly an amazing game all around. If you have no played it, you are doing yourself an injustice. Also, I think it took me more than even 80 hours, but I also did all the side stuff.


Guess it's OK to be racist as long as it's against whites.

Cool video, bro.

Thank you very much.

I'm gonna get the last word.

Feel better now?

Oh man, just wanted to thank all of you for making my day. haha


It's not in character at all. He's a tough guy but not vulgar.

That's the worst sin of the entire movie to me.

Battlefield 1942 has been free on Origin the last month or so.

Should still be in theatres, old chap! At least it is in my town.

Grand Budapest Hotel is ALREADY coming out to homes? Geez.

Of course, if someone is arguing against gay marriage, they are close-minded, backwards thinking idiots.

Definite SPOILERS!!!!!

I didn't necessarily like the movie, nor do I really like dubstep, but I thought they did an awesome job with Electro; his intro scene easily the best part of the film.

Definitely the scariest game of all the scary games.