sending a truck to do a man's job
Mazda Rotary Pickup!
11. If you are in a group in the middle of nowhere, decide who you eat first for survival. Do you gang up on the big guy all together because he has a lot of steaks on him, or do you go for the little guy because he's weak and easy? (rough quot of George Carlin)
Makes no sense, the GT is competing against a Beetle, not a Rabbit.
If they have so much money, why can't they build a garage big enough to fit the back-ends of the cars as well?
Getting paper towels, brb.
Yeah, I came.
I think I came.
I think because the entire box is welded together and then installed as one piece. Welding aluminium is way trickier than welding steel so taking the box apart and welding a new panel in is a non-starter.
Somewhere between 6 and 7,000 RPM, but then if you manage to get it over 8,000 RPM you're OK again.
I have a PhD in distanceology so I think I know what I'm talking about.
My first thought was "Jesus, at least square the line up to the paint line."
I think I have a problem.
WHY DO I ONLY HAVE 10 DAYS NOTICE? Do you realize how much work I have to take off right now to watch all of Top Gear?!