Bring Back Pontiac

Just reading this headline made my day better.

I don't know. "West Philadelphia" has a certain ring to it. Kind of makes me want to shoot some B-ball outside of the school.

If he doesn't like old Germans he has a 50% chance of not being Communist.

Cadillac be like...

Yup, you're totally correct. Wartime nicknames are not meant to be taken literally; this would be the equivalent of declaring "Stonewall" Jackson the first man to be made of stone.

Holy balls! Why am I breathing hard lol Dayum!

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

The Higgins Boat made the D-Day invasion possible. Imagine where the world would be if this failed?

I like my bombing like I like my house...carpeted.

Obvious answer is obvious. Obvious answer is also a horse. The kind of horse made out of meat and a tendency to always inhale when you're tightening the cinch.

World War II's iconic Jeep

The Tank. Changed the Battlefield forever. BUT I would say the V2 Rocket was more historically important. What started with the V2 took us to the Moon.

Ahem - use animated GIF version please.

You're right, fuck this car, I don't want it anymore.