Bring Back Pontiac

It's Audi's new entry car, the A2. The A3 will be getting larger next generation, taking the place of the current A4, which will move even more upmarket and be as large as the A6, which will push into the current A8's size and price. The A8 is now a Disney cruise ship.

Oh, ok.

zhe flame? more like zhe lame...

To add to your point, during the design process, mirroring a part in a 3D modelling program is far easier (only a few mouse clicks) rather than redesigning a whole new part from scratch for the opposite side.

Another plus (albeit small) of a symmetrical design is that it makes easier for us CAD monkeys. It just makes

McLaren LaMcLaren?

Try owning a Saab 96.

It might not be the first, but can I present the finest art museum on wheels?


Don't you dare!! The 19 people who recommended that need to be put in Jalopnik time out!

Sure. But then again this braille keyboard is a bitch to use

It should be called "I'm in my mid thirties and already gave up on all my hopes and dreams." Guess that's a little wordy.....

While '70-'73s are a close second place, nothing beats out '67-'68 as the best Camaro.

Nope, that's "Phoenix Beige." Black is "Midnight Beige", blue is "Azure Beige", and so on.

Given it's size, they should call it M3.

Ferrari Rigatoni.

Jensen Interceptor.

Still think Hyundai/Kia should be in there somewhere.

Can't get much more front engined than this...though I admit that's not much of a car

Plenty of seating on the Waaaaa-mbulance.