
She unlocks her pics as soon as he asks, and then calls him a "qt." I think Jonatan needs to be careful with this one...

What the fuck is the problem here? Girls aren't underage, and it looks like the first one unlocked her pictures after he asked. Making something out of nothing.

Age of consent in Iceland is 15. Mario Balotelli is 24 and 19 is within the 7-year rule.

If he's single, who cares? He's not doing anything wrong. If they were 15 or 16 I'd get it but a 24 year old guy hitting on a 19 year old girl on the internet is really nothing to make a post about, considering it's probably happened hundreds of times while I've been typing this.

It's really easy to misinterpret things long-distance and being cold/pushing her away will DEFINITELY ruin your chances for anything real when you get back. I think honesty is the best policy here. Ask to Skype with her/talk on the phone (please don't do this over text or email) when she has time to visit with you for

I will echo what a couple of others said. You need to clarify the "terms" while you're away to protect yourself. It's a slightly different situation but I was dating while abroad in another country. I saw one often enough, and when I happened to mention I was seeing a guy for a drink, he completely lost it and said I

You don't really come across too possessive - maybe because I know that panicked feeling and I don't think I was too possessive, haha.

I think you should talk to her about it, for the sake of honesty, just because you guys have already sort of made a plan - you need to both understand the plan and what everyone's feelings about it are. You'll have to understand you are opening yourself up for her to say it won't work for her, but at least you said

Hi guys, I need some advice: I got my heart broken in May and thought I will never find another girl. Well turns out I found one. We knew eachother for two months and we hooked up wednesday before Christmas. Why do I specify that? Because I'm gone for three and a half months, on the other side of the world. When we