
Remember, it's not a recall if the victim is too blown up to care.

...and the dog down the street that won't stop barking, and nosy neighbor that won't mind her own business, and the people who drive 30 in a 45 zone, and those politicians that claim a shut down is the will of the people....

Charger? I'm pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude!

Why isn't it a good daily driver. I bet it is pretty freakin comfortable to tool around in.

It makes no sense to buy one, which is exactly why you should buy one.

Now playing

Same with stop signs/lights(to illustrate my point)

An onramp is a great (and perfectly legal) place to let your car have its head.

You've mentioned before that Americans don't want to drive slow cars the "only" do 0-60 in 10 seconds, but let's face it who really takes their car to the max on an on ramp anyway.

Because we can!

You've mentioned before that Americans don't want to drive slow cars the "only" do 0-60 in 10 seconds, but let's face it who really takes their car to the max on an on ramp anyway.


We do it because we can.

3 steps to making an American car:

I feel as though Steve Lehto should have a follow up article on how to get your money back from a used car salesman "after hours".

Minus taxes (the government will take a heavy cut unless properly invested), that still would not be a good idea (the SHO that is).

Sure, and then you'd have to pay property taxes, maintenance, insurance in one of America's most expensive counties where this man works...on $10 an hour. And still not have a car, or a reliable public transportation system to get to and from work.

With that said, some of the richest people i've ever met were driving 14-year-old E-Class wagons with months of brake dust because they just don't give a fuck what anyone thinks of them.

Driving at those speeds on a public road is, to me, the same as firing a gun into a crowd of people.

They're bigger repros of originals. I like them.