
There are small motorcycle accidents; it helps to be wearing more than a helmet, thin gloves, a T shirt and jeans. I've been rear ended at similar speed on my bike while stopped and not had a scratch on me, and just been really sore and a little bruised while the bike was totaled. Full CE armor from head to toe

Plymouth Prowler. Arguably pretty cool, hot-rod looks. But no V8

I cannot believe that ABS didn't make the list. This is widely taken for granted.

Again with the Tesla innuendo!
Porsche GT split in 2 and killed both Paul Walker and the fucker driver. Nobody bats an eye... the wife of the driver wanted something but irrelevant...
Other +100mph accidents explode cars on a regular basis..nobody bats an eye.

Let's play "Find a home for those 85 Audi V8s." What would you swap one into? I'll Start:

Great... maybe all the fucking assholes in my neighbourhood will upgrade and I can finally sleep.

I don't quite understand. Will electric Harley riders have to make revving noises with their mouths at stoplights, or will there be an audio system like on BMW's M5, but facing outward so that everyone else gets to hear their noise?

I drove a rental once

*Thanks Bush/Cheney

They can handle much more than 5 volts, you'd probably (don't sue me on that) be just fine plugging directly in to a cigarette lighter. The partially finished swiffer-bot I built handles 9 just fine, and AFAIK they all have regulators on them that should handle 12V+. People put regulators on their supply side mainly

Still prettier than an Aztek.

Because as any proper automotive enthusiast knows, weight is The Enemy. It ruins everything, from handling, to ride, to acceleration, to your birthday. So let's hope that Fords engineers have worked some sort of suspension wizardry to make it feel like it's dancing on air.

I'm a little surprised they haven't added some sort of piezo-electric function to it. Pressure = voltage, and a car puts out a lot of downward pressure.

This! Why subject expensive fragile solar panels to traffic, nature and manmade road dirt and grime, cause traction issues, etc? Put up an inexpensive roof over the roadway and mount the panels to that! It'll even keep the cities cooler by preventing the roads underneath from absorbing so much heat from the sun.

Just like the horseless carriage was a bad idea.

The US government has plenty of money. The problem, is that we let them spend it on a worldwide war machine, instead of using taxes to pay for the health and wellbeing of the population.

neutral:GM, just bring back the El Camino and Jalopnik will make all your problems just sort of dissapear

People were a lot more style conscious in the 1960s and a lot more accustomed to having a massive amount of options in models and body styles when it came to cars. The Mustang was created because Lee Iacocca believed that a more stylish version of the Falcon (Ford's standard compact car and already one of the best

One step closer to flying cars.