
The Netflix lawsuit was without merit. They gave her a special with higher pay because she is currently much more popular than she was a few years ago. Entertainment deals aren’t based on how popular someone was ten years ago. They only care about how popular you are today.

I think trash talk is perfectly acceptable because isn’t any of this important. 

The law was just struck down by the federal courts which included two Trump appointees so it’s probably dead. 

The point that some of you are not getting is that one group doesn’t get to decide what to call another group. If women over 50 doesn’t want to be called auntie, people under 30 should not call them auntie. It doesn’t matter how it is meant. There is nothing more disrespectful than calling someone something that they

What an overreaction. Folk are acting as if Angela is the first actor to get snubbed at the Oscars.  Plenty of actors have gotten snubbed. Glenn Close has been nominated 4 or 5 times and lost each time.  The late Anges Morehead was nominated 9 times and lost nine times.  

When this become a thing among blacks in the US. As a middle aged guy who grow up in the South, I don’t recall anyone referring to older black women as auntie. Yes, you had to attach some type of title to show respect to your elders, but unless it was a relative or close family friend, you generally used Miss + first

I think both play a role because cultures don’t exist in vacuums. They overlap. Just as hip hop culture overlaps with aspects of larger black culture; gun culture plays a role in hip hop culture. Actually some would argue that it’s rap culture that exists within the larger hip hop culture. 

This is less about black culture and more about Hip Hop culture. They are not one in the same. I watched an interview with Penny Hardaway the other day in which he talked about people don’t realize how hard it is to be a young black man with millions of dollars. It is hard for young people who can’t afford sky high

None of it is needed at sporting events. 

I have an idea. Let’s stop the singing of any anthems at sporting events because it’s all performative bs.  

People of all ethnicities are free to and have attended HBCUs.  You would have been welcomed. 

It’s 100% reasonable to tell white people that they can’t use the word. It’s not reasonable to allow the word to be used in popular music that is heard around the world and expect people not to say it when singing along to a song. It is not the same as cuss words. People who don’t want to cuss tend not to sing along

There was a case some years ago in which two  black police officers were involved in a car chase with a white guy that resulted in the guy’s young son who was in the car  getting shot.  They were charged within 48 hours.  It doesn’t take long if the police involved are black especially if the victim is white. 

Good point. Two serial cheaters find love with each other 

They both are “triflin” as you put it. 

I think for him parenting is taking them to an amusement park, showing up at birthday parties with expensive gifts but allowing the mothers to do all the heavy lifting.

Anyone who have seen his stand up or old TV show would have expected for him to go there. I tire of these awards shows hiring comedians with particular routine and then acting surprised when they do their routine

Anyone who have seen his stand up or old TV show would have expected for him to go there. I tire of these awards shows hiring comedians with particular routine and then acting surprised when they do their routine 

Being “doting” is not indication of a good parent. Sometimes it just means showing up and spoiling the kids but not being around for actual parenting especially the hard stuff.

I think it just who they are. If he had been born into a family of means, it would probably be investment fraud. If he had inherited millions, he would be Trump.