
So where’s the link to the story about the underage girl? What are the details? Unfortunately, many trans women are kicked out of their parents’ homes in their teens and end up working the streets to get by which means that he may or may not have known her age.

If nothing else, it means that I would not spend my money in support of people who are actively trying to take away my civil rights. 

The short clip comes off negative; I need to watch more before I can give an informed opinion. How old is Lil Nas X? Isn’t he 19 or 20? Unless there is an older, black gay man in the discussion, it’s a jerk move to throw a 19yo into such a discussion with a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds. When it comes to black barber

The short clip comes off negative; I need to watch more before I can give an informed opinion. How old is Lil Nas X? Isn’t he 19 or 20? Unless there is an older, black gay man in the discussion, it’s a jerk move to throw a 19yo into such a discussion with a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds.

Some are speculating the Kevin might have been driving instead of his friend. However, that would mean they would have ad to switch positions and from the look of the car, I just not sure that would have been possible. 

Alimony? They were married for around 20s years. He was her business manager and partner. Most of her wealth was gained in the marriage. He’s probably getting half of everything.  The cheating won’t play a role. 

JZ cares as much about social justice as a doorknob. He’s about making money and that’s cool. Seriously, doesn’t any of this matter. Having a black own NFL team would have little to no impact on the lives of average black people. As for Kaepernick, his kneeling was a nice symbolic gesture and I respect him for that.

And guess what. None of it matters because football in the larger scheme of things, don’t matter. Having a minute number of blacks getting rich from sports virtually have no impact on black community as a whole. As a culture, we would benefit more by focusing on turning out engineers, scientists, doctors, educators,

I would like to make 3 points. 1. With the onset of social media, there are people who seem to get up everyday looking to be outraged about something. They aren’t looking for social justice or real solutions. They just want something to rant and rave about. Frankly, I think the Root (since it is no longer black owned)

Please. Let’s keep it real here. We are talking about two separate issues here. I’m 100% for reasonable gun control, but lax gun control laws has little to do with gun violence in black communities. Most of the gun crimes among black people involve illegal fire arms therefore stricter gun control may or may not have

The hype works in a culture in which celebrity is no longer defined by talent. However, my issue with Beyoncé and JZ, like some other celebrities these days, they aren’t giving their children the chance to decide for themselves if they want to follow in the footprints of their parents. There are many A-listers who

I’ve never liked Any Cohen. In fact other than media clips, I’ve never seen a full episode of his show. It’s obvious from a mile away that he is just plain messy.  

What are the degree of injury to the victims in both cases? A single punch vs. a three guys punching and kicking a guy might be treated differently. Also, the guy, Mustafa Jafari, who started the incident with Rocky is an immigrant and the Swiss proposedly has been focusing heavily on minor street crimes to come down

The problem I have with the reporting on this story is that no one is taking the time to do the research. Saying it was self defense means nothing unless reporters take the time to research how self defense is defined under Swedish law. Talking about what would happen in the US is meaningless. Of course, it could be

I’m a fan, but it goes back before Reno 911. It was Clean House that got me hooked on her. I even watched some of Claws and I don’t even watch dramatic TV unless it’s sci fi or fantasy.

I simply do not care.  Tired of black folk getting bent out of shape over other black folk who have already made it clear that they don’t care about black people. 

Actually, they should have contacted the police. Bodyguards have no legal authority especially outside of the US. 

The problem with all of these films is that it’s pure marketing. The film makers aren’t deciding what stories to tell, the marketers are. They know that a lot of people will mindless rush to see them. It’s easy money in the bank

No, he proceeded to give physical indicators in which humans convey happiness to the cat. The reality is that if is difficult for us to know how the cat feels. 

So you completely messed up but won’t to blame it on American. First, you failed to verify the date of the wedding. You purchased the cheapest seat on a third party site, but failed to read the details. I fly American often, the difference between the economy and budget seats isn’t usually very much at least not