
We can appreciate Colin Kaepernick for taking a stand on an important issue, however, we also need to realize that kneeling at football games, commercial events that exists solely for the purpose of entertainment, is purely symbolic. If black people decided to not watch the Super Bowl, that would also be symbolic

No, this has been done many times before. Sometimes the outcome is good; sometimes awful, however, the black character is always an ex con or recovering addict or just plain down on their luck while the white character is handicapped, ill or just old. To flip it would make the white character the ex con or recovering

Not true. A business that serves the public cannot bar anyone for any reason. They cannot bar people based on race, gender, age, religion or disability. Of course, they can lie and claim a different reason, but they can’t simply say remove that person because of race, gender, age , religion or disability and the cops

This is not true. It’s illegal to discriminate based on race or ethnicity so a business that is open to the public cannot claim trespassing on that basis. The police legally be used to break the law. The private property issue isn’t the same for businesses serving the public.

Let’s be real here, if this was middle class black people moving in, you would still have some of the same issues. I can’t speak about Harlem because I’ve never lived there, but I can speak on the city in which I live. Like in other cities, 311 is used to report code violations, noise complaints, etc. A survey that

Thanks you. That’s the first thing I thought. People are discussing it as though he is trying to be original. 

Exactly. Some are think of Kelly as this international superstar when in the US he’s mostly just black famous. A lot of white people are not familiar with him at all.

It’s actually the other guy’s  story. It’s based on the book about the white’s guys life.

Frankly, celebrities are simply not good judges of bigotry because of their celebrity. They forgot that they are often accepted because of their celebrity. There are people who never allow a out gay person to cross the threshold to their home, but would roll out the red carpet for Ellen. It’s the same with race. There

The point should also be made that most whites don’t care about PETA. Saying I’ll stop wearing fur when they stop killing black people means absolutely zero to the typical racist white person who is probably okay with both.

This is stupid because most white people aren’t concerned about PETA. 

I agree about the wealth issue. Of course it’s easy to go vegan when you have a personal chef preparing your meals. However, while food desserts is definitely an issue that needs addressing, research has shown that even when access is provided, people continue to eat the same foods. Basically, people eat what they

It’s a lot easier to go vegetarian than vegan since many restaurants do have vegetarians options. Problem is many people don’t know the difference including some who are jumping on the vegan band wagon.

Chitins aren’t really a problem food because the people who eat them tend not to eat them on a regular basis. It’s the fried chicken that’s the problem.

If a person doesn’t seem to understand the difference between vegan and vegetarian, they should not be given advice. However, black people, we seriously have to start taking our health seriously. Too many of us are eating ourselves to death. Our traditional foods provided necessary sustenance when we were working in

Is the headline simply meant to be clickmate? This happens multiple times a year around the country and the cause is almost always some diagnosed heart condition. The entire tone of this piece was written as to slightly suggest that there might be more to the story.

When exactly did this begin. My family does it, but it was not a thing when I was growing up

I think this is really problematic. If the lawsuits are successful it has ramifications far beyond video games. The biggest issue that I have with it is that dances often develop organically. In fact, I’m weary of anyone who claims to have invented a dance because it’s impossible to prove. How do I know the person who

Hell, he could’ve gone the Carlos Boozer route and melted a Sunday school shoe over his head”

First of all, the average guy doesn’t have women throwing themselves at him after a divorce and certainly not much younger women who would love nothing more than to have your child. Second, most of these dudes never have to change a diaper. The ability to hire nannies, housekeepers and cooks all make parenting much