I’ve never heard of the phrase “chip soil” before but it’s accurate
I’ve never heard of the phrase “chip soil” before but it’s accurate
A Kinja Deals post will get more eyeballs than Any Given Wednesday.
Harvey combined the two characters from The Dark Knight, the Joker and Harvey Dent/Two-Face, but the way he did it—going half-Joker, half-Dent—indicates that he either completely forgot what happens in the movie, has no clue that the two villains were actually different people, or, as I posit, never saw it to begin…
It’s company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo… Always use the indefinite article A dildo, never YOUR dildo.
Were you watching the same broadcasts I was? He regularly miscalled plays, was stiff with Mud, and said stupid things like “warning path” and “action pitch” all the time. And there was the creepy way he’d say “hubba hubba” every time a pretty girl was on camera. Don Orsillo is a giant step up.