
@Jester21: Why don't we just ask the people that live there?

@sgtmongoose: I know! I think I'm going to have to go watch a bad movie so I can go to sleep.

That was epic. And a little bit disturbing. Also Banksy is a genius.

@99TelepodProblems: That day will be soon. When it comes it will be I that looks down on you and smiles. Also, Han shot first...

@teenagers: When I clicked on that link I almost sh&t myself.

Jon Snow for president.

Who wants to play Calvinball?!?

If you guys want to here an actual epic 80's band, google X Japan. You will not be sorry.

I love Calvin and Hobbes! My cats names are actually Cally(girl) and Hobbes. Hobbes actually factually pounces on people. Cally is great too, if you can ignore the noodle incident.

@iScrewFanbois: I think you missed the thought train. If you need a ticket I think the Jersey Shore exits soon. Usually, they are sympathetic to their own. BaM! I just did that!

@LukeDukem: Maybe? It would explain a lot. Or It could be a moral dilemma. When I'm being introspective I don't think I like humor at the expense of others. Not saying it's wrong. Just doesn't sit right when I'm in that mood.

Sometimes I laugh myself to tears when see this kind of thing, and sometimes I'm totally cynical about it. I wonder why that is? I think it has something to do with the mood I'm in. Life's confusing.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: I can only say that I wasn't playing that card. I also don't think anyone was being smug. When people jump on the whole, "people must suck because other people did something wrong bandwagon", I get a little miffed. Thanks for responding.