
Exactly. The cast was great. The writing and direction is where it fell short.

It’s nice to finally have another Ghostbusters movie after 30 years.

Mando was very careless with Baby Yoda this episode, considering a bounty hunter had tried to assassinate the child just last episode.

I think it was just an excuse to show that EV9-D9 from Jabba’s Palace had found new employment.

So, not Boba Fett?

That was EV-9D9 from Jabba’s palace tending bar at the Cantina, right?

Crap, you’re right. The cast doesn’t scream comedy (except for Paul Rudd).

You ALMOST had me.

You are one of the most well-reasoned and courteous “trolls” I’ve ever encountered! :-D

Thank you, Tulsi!

The next season to air will be the last, is what was announced.

Hello from North Korea!

White male blah blah

Some people will do evil things, whether or not art inspires them. Most of us just like to be entertained and understand the distance between enjoying a film and reality.

I guess I’m in through the last season of GLOW (still mad they canceled that). Netflix is losing me, though.

Yeah, I don’t feel like Netflix is doing much to save themselves from losing all their Disney content.

I’ve certainly got no problem with BOC. Godzilla!

And that’s what turned off a lot of long-time fans.

It’d be like The Blue Oyster of the Terminator movies.

She has to work on her delivery.