Excellent analysis! I’d be shocked if this wasn’t true.
Excellent analysis! I’d be shocked if this wasn’t true.
From Lucy’s perspective, Amelia was trying to get close to her and pretending to be her friend in order to help Detective Hays with the case. While we see the direct parallels between Amelia and the reporter, Lucy just views them both as vultures.
I’m honestly interested in what the author thinks the show could further explore and say about race. Examples would help make this point. True Detective is not shying away from realities about racial relations in the time and place depicted. They’re important to the narrative, but don’t appear to be the foundation of…
I thought that scene was intense. For whatever reason, I worried one was going to grab the gun and shoot the other.
I just posted about that. Always goes that if I hit on a theory, someone else got there first. lol
I thought the show implied something bad happened to Julie?
Me, too. They seemed closer than “documentarian” and “documentary subject’s son/guardian.”
I’ve had a wild theory for awhile and last night’s episode cements it: I suspect Detective West is a closeted gay man, and developed a relationship with Tom Purcell during the investigation in 1980. There was something in the way the camera lingered on West watching Tom sleep, and the close connection they seemed to…
Cool, thank you! I will use this option in the future.
I’m not sure you can use CC on HBO Go, can you?
Unless my ears deceive me, I still think Lion succumbed to that confusion and sang “Unicorn” instead of “Unicron” in the movie soundtrack theme song.
I’m intensely curious about The Cybertronic Spree’s background. They seem to be highly talented musicians. Arcee has amazing pipes and I could see this band playing straight hard rock if they wanted to - reminds me of Halestorm. I wonder if they started out as an awesome band that just never caught a break, turned to…
That day has come, the day when I have to admit that I like a live-action Transformer’s vocal performance of “Immigrant Song” better than Robert Plant’s.
Was about to say, if this doesn’t star Bruce Campbell, it’s made of fail.
Gordon was so reckless and stupid in the first season that you wondered how he could possibly have survived this long. Thankfully, that aspect has been dialed way back.
Oh man, did I interpret your last sentence incorrectly at first!
I am a little thrown off by how Isaac is not only a similar character to Data (aside from wanting to be human) but speaks in a voice so similar that at first I thought it WAS Brent Spiner. They could have gone for a different inflection, at least.
That thought was in my head, too, that shifting cultural norms are leading to more sanitized television.
I’m not saying we needed to view a full-blown sex scene between Wayne and Amelia, but how does it make sense that Wayne would close the door on his own memories? He’s not reliving these experiences for our benefit. I think it would actually be more fitting that the memory of their first sexual encounter be vivid and…
I feel like it’s less the accent and more the sound mix.