I’m so happy Sutter is working with Elgin James. Sutter’s style and excesses are there, but the story feels more nuanced than Sons ever did.
I’m so happy Sutter is working with Elgin James. Sutter’s style and excesses are there, but the story feels more nuanced than Sons ever did.
I had started to wonder if the mere act of derailing a major point in history would create a burst of temporal energy that Krasko needed to fuel his vortex manipulator or something, and he didn’t really care at all about the circumstances.
I have to admit, it seemed like the kind of thing for which the Doctor would have reprimanded Ryan, similar to how she got upset when that guy kicked the evil alien off of the crane in the season premiere.
It was good casting. I was wondering the same thing during the episode.
They KIND OF killed him off in that 12th Doctor episode with the mummy aliens.
I briefly did wonder that when he immediately recognized the TARDIS.
I’ve said this elsewhere, but I wonder if Ryan, deep down, blames Graham for his grandmother’s death. It comes across like Ryan is dealing with some real anger and resentment.
Coupled with the fact that the episode itself offered more hope than that, I don’t feel it worked.
I get this vibe that maybe Ryan also kind of blames Graham for his grandmother’s death? Ryan definitely seems to have some anger and resentment toward Graham.
Yeah, having him be racist in the same way the white characters from 1955 Alabama were racist just felt off to me. I think it could have used more context.
I suspect QL wouldn’t have had that awkward fishing scene. lol
The first time, Oswald killed Jackie, too...
I do think that racism ties into the xenophobia and tribalism that is innate to our species. It’s not just a mindset that we need to overcome, it’s genetics.
Having Krasko say “your kind” or whatever it was was a little on the nose.
I definitely think that can be inferred, but did the writers really want to show that today’s white supremacy still exists in the 79th Century, after Yaz optimistically talked about what can be achieved in the next 50 years? I suspect a little bit of sloppy writing here, due mainly to a villain that was more of a plot…
I hate to be THAT GUY, but I thought it was underwhelming when the Doctor proclaimed that Rosa Parks had made an impact on the universe, and then chose to illustrate that fact by showing a random hunk of desolate space rock that was named after her. Um, Wow?
It would be interesting to find out more about Krasko in future episodes. While just making him racist fit the theme of the episode, it seemed too easy and simplistic. I thought it might have worked better if he was an anarchic sociopath who read about Rosa Parks while in prison and decided to undo a huge moment in…
I don’t know that this is the message the show intended but the characters basically said, “Thanks to Rosa Parks, we’ve had 50 years of progress, and there’s still work to do, but imagine 50 years from now.” But then you had a white supremacist villain from THOUSANDS of years in the future. That’s depressing. I feel…
This is an excellent review, A.A. It makes me want to see this film ASAP, and let all the whining become white noise.
Same here! I still keep replaying that sketch in my head.