
“(Though we still got a dead animal which is probably my least favorite trend in media right now.)“

FYI, this episode review was accidentally listed under Season 1.

What are you talking about? I fart rose petals.

Wookie’s got sass!

Check my privilege? How about you check my butt??



Pretty much every song by The Verve on their album “Urban Hymns.” “Bittersweet Symphony” was the hit and was great, but that album soars to greater heights. A masterpiece.

Honestly, I CAN’T tolerate any media that depicts violence to a cat, so I appreciate the warning. I suspect I seriously have a problem, because my reaction to a TV show or movie that depicts harm to a cat is explosive anger and even tears. I know it’s not real, and my reaction is irrational. But it brings me back to

Yeah, not a bad ending at all.

If they had made the bee king at the end, putting a tiny crown on its head, the season would have been saved!

While his death was pretty shocking, I was really sorry to see him go so soon.

This episode was so rushed that it felt like a two-hour episode had been cut down into an hour. The most glaring example was that Ivar decided to go ask Rollo for help, and it seems like a few minutes later they were back with an army of Frankish troops! Don’t these voyages take time?

The Mulder and Scully relationship was very confusing. I didn’t realize they weren’t together, so at first I thought they were sleeping in different rooms out of a sense of professionalism while they were on the case. It seemed like they hooked up after their conversation in bed, as Mulder mentioned “afterglow” when

Unless the original creator is dead.

Qui-Gon was one of the actually decent things about the Star Wars prequels.

I was so glad to see the redundant Miller and Einstein reduced to a nothing cameo.

I think the intention was more that Susan had fallen in love, the Doctor saw it, and he locked her out to free her of her obligation to him, to live her own life. It was still weird of him to do that without giving her a choice. And as would happen on the show again, a companion falling in love and leaving what

The frustrating part about that is it wasn’t Hartnell, and (just like the latest episode) didn’t exactly reflect the original character.

The real First Doctor was nowhere near as sexist as portrayed in this episode. They made it seem like a defining characteristic and that was just not the case. Doctor Who in the 1960s reflected sexist attitudes of the time, usually in more subtle ways (the men rushing into action, the girls screaming helplessly at