Destination alpha Cygnus

Yeah, very odd. I’ve never played the games and am pretty excited to get to experience the story from such a good creative team.

Yeah I don’t understand that either. I guess maybe they’re trying to imply that game fans wouldn’t want to see the exact same thing they already experienced but in live action? Which is just not true in my reckoning. And it’s not like it’s dropping new viewers into the middle of something that only devoted fans will

Between the showrunner, writers, producers, and actors involved, not sure I’ve ever been more confident a series was going to be solid. So...that makes me very nervous, I just hope they get the tone and feel of the source material right. Looking forward to this, and hoping HBO doesn’t f it up.

The level of faithfulness on display here is actually so high, in fact, that it’s not clear who showrunner Craig Mazin is necessarily making this series for

I have played both games through an embarrassing number of times and will fully admit that I am 100% down for this even if it is just a frame-for-frame adaptation; but honestly it looks like they’re throwing in a fair bit that isn’t, which I’m also totally fine with.  Both parts of the Last of Us pretty solidly occupy

Up next, “Glut of lobsters bad news for struggling Maine lobster fisherfolk”. (I remember one year where they were selling them roadside for $1-$2/lb)

Mainer here. Most news outlets are missing the whole story.

Interesting/sad times for seafood lovers like myself with Maine lobster being off the menu and Alaska canceling their snow crab season for the first time ever. Not that I disagree with the environmental/sustainability reasons though.

The same was done here (US, west coast) with Dungeness crab recently, for a similar stated reason—the traps used for commercial use tend to attract whales that are on the endangered species list, and those whales are currently parked in the area used to catch crab.

This will not be the first battle with a Cocaine Bear for character-actress Margo Martindale.

Look, you had me at “cocaine bear”

Susan Faludi’s book “Backlash” has a great section on the sexism that went into making Fatal Attraction, Michael Douglas’s horrible remarks and attitude toward women when discussing the film, and the test audiences intervening in order to make Glenn Close’s character more unbalanced and less relatable.

Yeah, but their guns just shoot water, so it’s fine.

You’re still thinking of the first film; the sequel only has that single lame beach scene. The Northman is far more homoerotic in terms of 2022 films.

And you do not want to mess with those creepy sons-of-bitches.

Or seriously make it an event movie. Something like Beauty and the Beast or Aladdin with good word of mouth and a 3 month limit (minimum) before it goes to plus would bring in more tickets.

Encanto should have been released during Christmas time and would have made great money during its initial run.

That doesn’t track because the most homoerotic movie this year made tons of money.  Top Gun Maverick

The professional clown lobby is going to be gunning for you. 

It doesn’t help that the character models / faces are not appealing at all to look at. Every character looks like a clown without makeup

I got plastered with ads for Disenchanted, which was on Disney+, but none for this theatre release. Odd