The most beloved character actor and her identical twin sister.
The most beloved character actor and her identical twin sister.
Exactly. Also the connection with the Log, being a trapped spirit. It was at least one secondary character that was aware of BOB. While the other residents in Twin Peaks lived their lives without ever notcing the dangers around.
Same with Yuria and Meemo creepily staring into the conversation between Winnie and Sy.
Varga's frequently seen, now by the IRS and the Police.
Next they will be adding Trade Federations and what not…
And he saved someone's life.
Becomes an officer in a french submarine a few days away from the seventh aniversary of the Departure.
It'd be wondeful if next season they keep portraying the characters in Russia as happyish, at least stable, progressing; and the reflection of the ones in America, all of them in shambles and on the verge of quitting/running away
I would say The leftovers achieves the same, but it relies in that violin tune, most of the time.
I am thinking of the series finale now; Claudia receiving news about the fate of the Jennings, with a moment of sadness this show masterfully expresses, then she proceeds to make calls to the Johnsons or Jacksons and tell them about their mission.
"A fucked up god or a demon, but he shouldn't be your hero"
"97 years of The Flash, Iris"
"Evil Dale and Evil Barry"
Didn't want to click. Hoping it was some false alarm. Just reading about shows I watch, and then this.
The crows are not what they seem.
Same here. Different people and all that.
Black Smoke and Dharma!
Same here. That must have been the reason he said "HI" in that manner.
Hopefully the space jockey remains like that, a fossil. Ridley gave enough unnecesary backstory for that in Prometheus. One of the engineers' mission (whose belical/destructive ways convinced David to kill them, or at least the ones in that planet) gone awry. He should move on to the colony/David story. And then he…
But it's a business.
I think the safest thing to do for Sy is let the widow Goldfarb and Mr. Varga fight for the parking lot biz.