Bill Semi Liar

Well, no. Everything starts at some point. and this could be the beginning of the elimination of the two party electoral system. Showing that your candidate or party doesn't tower over third parties as they historically used to is a wake-up call for the powers that be. That's the silver lining.

I wouldn´t say they are throwing their vote away. If third-party candidates start getting more attention and relevance, people like Bernie could have been a candidate. I agree that Hillary is the Lesser of the two evils by far, but this election should prove that this generation is sick and tired of the two options

The same thing James Franco didn't consider in 11.22.63.

Fucking sad and awful that she has to denounce this while putting up with those people (why now?). At least tolerance towars those monsters is almost zero in this day and age. Except for the one running for president.

I simply regard it as an awe-inspiring sci-fi Pinocchio story. It has sparkles of darknes and it's the right kind of cheesiness that you can watch with others without having to achieve a grade in Film Arts. I always watch it when it's on cable. This and the Bicentenary Man, even with Robin Williams loudness.

The last song (Goodbye?) altough corny was catchy enough.

Give this show all the awards. It was a pleasure for the hearing and laughing senses.

Careful, it's meant to be for kids.

I was expecting the whiteface kid to appear, but he deserves his own episode.

That was the best fake ad. Some didn't work for me (the Dodge), but the grade should have been B+ or A-.

The last scenes were masterful; tension, relief; tension again, relief again, only to end with cringeworthy sadness and that kid's stare.

Guillermo Dee Williams.

Why isn't there a movie of this out yet? A comedy or paranormal horror would do.

Putting Salesmen above Glengarry in terms of horror is enough to make me want to watch that now.

Carmen Sandiego finally located?

Also, expecting the cast of Sunny to make a cameo sometime.

Funny, it was in that article (comments section) defending the prequels last year that I was introduced to Mr. Plinkett and Red Letter Media. Also there's nothing wrong with considering Awakens and ok film with much wasted potential.

That and besides everyone on the internet fancies themselves as Mr. Plinkett now. I'm already expecting a review of this new trilogy in 5 or 10 years.

The season finale should be a showdown of all iterations of Ed Harris.

That's why he was scalping that indian, right? He must be looking for a way to achieve enlightment, some meaning in that map. Maybe a way to contact God.