Bill Semi Liar

Did the opposite work for True Detective Season 2?

- Forrest McNeil
Heores Reborn: Half a star.

I meant that as a post apocaliptic world a la World War Z, the book.

Will they ever dare to make the "After the Walking Dead"?

I don't remember or didn't see that specifically in the "Friday the 13th" series, but just by looking at the title, I imagined it was going to be this guy from "Jeepers Creepers".

What happened to the Godzilla crossover?

I read that as Misery.

- Radiohead

The second one has Leland Palmer hunting the demon. Both are at least average, with great scenes. The hate comes from hating the director.

Never watched the show… hopefully that dog´s name isn´t Vincent.

Do you come from a land dome under? you better run, you better take cover yeaaah


…ance Clearwater Revival.

Finaly finished "The Catcher in the Rye"! I tried to like Holden in the middle, but he was getting a little bit arrogant, a Bill Gatesy or Jobs type, being the only genius around, then at the end he finds out what true love resides in - sacrifice for your loved ones - he ends up being one hell of a character,

It's fax machines all the way down.

Nassim Haramein actually uses that movie scene as basis for one of his hypothesis.

Also, isn't no-one going to say anything about the title reference? "The gods must be crazy" is funny in that sense and I watched for the first time when a proffesor at college used a linguistics example from the movie.

Without checking imdb, I think he was the tinyverse scientist who kills himself after learning the thruth.

Never been first! I don't know how to praise this show unless based on previous commenters statements!
I'll take my chanceZ
It waZ great.

I've just had sleep paralysis, and the sensation is freaking scary. You know you are dreaming but unlike a common dream where you wouldn't tell the difference, in this stage you want to wake up. The shadow figure thing, not that I can remember.