
Whatever you do, do not read the comments in the article.If the measure of any society is how it treats the least among them, then we are truly headed to hell in a hand-basket. When we justify Police officers beating on children and call the children animals (or worse) we have a HUGE problem.

Even “honkies” has almost no effect. You really want to make white Americans experience what it feels like to be the victim of a stereotype based purely on the color of their skin, make a shirt with a white cartoon face that says “Racists”.

I think this sounds odd because we’re used to guys not giving AF about anyone. I’ve walked around with kleenex, tampons, a small first aid and sewing kit since I was a teen and no one has ever found it weird.

We have to go back, Kate. WE HAVE TO GO BACK.

Can black artists just please continue to lay the politics on thick? I would just love it if every major performance post Formation is just like ‘and you thouhght Beyoncé at the Super Bowl was intense?’.

Yes. Women already die and are injured in childbirth, and a vaginal opening that has been sewn shut makes it much much more likely there will be severe tearing and infection. FGM also prevents sexual pleasure (all of the guys I’ve fucked could come whether they’re cut or uncut) and also causes a lot of pain, tearing

I would encourage you took look at the variations of female genital mutilation. The genital mutilation preformed on boys does reduce sensitivity and is painful. The genital multination preformed on girls can include sewing together the vaginal opening and cutting off the clitoris.

No, it’s actually much, much worse for women.

If nothing else, can we please stop saying that Beyoncé wants to be a white woman now? She’s not bleaching her skin. She’s doesn’t hate herself. Let this lie die a miserable death. Thank you.

We all have opinions. Mine is that I don’t care about your wrong opinion.

This is perhaps not the best place or time for it, but can I say how much I dislike the idea of “preferred” names or pronouns? My name is my name. My pronouns are my pronouns. I demand them, I don't prefer them, and if you use the wrong ones, we will have a problem.

OF COURSE privilege does not negate the humanity of white, cis men. NO ONE is saying it does. I’m married to one for fucks sake (just like many of the feminists in these parts). What are you even on about? Modern feminism already acknowledges that the patriarchy negatively affects men too, you’re conjuring a straw man

But... what about MEN’S feelings?

...what are awesome people supposed to do, trapped in regressive regions?