
@Ambiguously Unfunny Serial Killer: The Rush Hour movies were terrible. The first one was watchable, the rest weren't even at that level. But Chris Tucker was in Friday, which was not only the one good movie in that series, but a pretty good comedy in its own right.

@Baron Schm Von Shamwoüzen und taxis: I think Vespas are a bit pricey compared to the competition, but I have no other problems with them. If I'm getting a two-wheeled vehicle I can only drive half the year, though, I'm buying a motorcycle for the extra fun factor.

@Sloop_John_B: I think that's something that depends on local regulations and your particular policy then, because I know that if I went to my insurance company for something like that they would laugh me right out of their office.

@pauljones: I don't think you can actually make an insurance claim if you wreck your Jeep dicking around in the desert or on a trail. It's the same as with taking your brand new Corvette to the race track, you wind up slamming into the wall, that's not considered on-road use and you're on the hook for it.

@philibuster: I don't know what it's like in the States, but as soon as you modify a car here, many companies will either charge you insane premiums or deny you coverage outright. There are dedicated insurance companies for custom cars, but they have their own issues. You could just not tell them you've modded the

@despisethesun: Nevermind, I found it in another post after some quick googling. You'll want to add this to your adblock filtering rules if you're using Adblock Plus:

@wheels OF satan!: If you're using Firefox with Adblock, there's a filter you can add to remove all the Bloodcopy posts from the other Gawker sites. I can't remember it offhand, though, as it's set up on my work PC and I'm not at work.

@SupermotoThud: The Taurus I bought for $200 a few years ago had that problem, but it never really bothered me because it was such a shitbox, and I got it for so cheap, that I never really worried about it. My dad considered it a big problem though, and replaced the ignition. After that, the "door open/keys

@engineerd: I have been saying this for ages. It's amazing how few people "get it".

@fodder650: That was my biggest disappointment when reading about the new SHO.

@baldy_pm * Tinfoil Hat now standard equipment: Whether or not he cares is irrelevant. I'm guessing he's unimpressed with the quality of comments on the subject, as am I. Regardless of one's opinion on the bailout/bankruptcy situation, it would sure be nice to read comments that are more intelligent than "Obama's a

so have no fear, buy a Malibu.

@brandegee: I believe there's a Law about that...

@synaesthete42: Papa John's is no different from any other American pizza chain. There's no comparison at all to any number of local pizzerias that are everywhere in any decent sized city. I don't need my pizza to be "authentically Italian", but I do need it to not be fucking disgusting. The big chains never seem to