
@jabber: That's "Do or do not. There is no try."

@veritascitor: I'll second this. I use various IDE's depending on what language I'm coding in, but for web stuff, Programmer's Notepad is great.

@TimHare: UNetBootIn can create bootable USB drives from ISOs. I've used it for both liveCDs (the GPartEd liveCD, in particular) and installation and it works pretty good for the most part.

@automaton: I was personally not impressed with OO.o's docx/xlsx support. I could read the documents I opened with it, but the formatting was messed up and I didn't trust that any docx files saved in OO would come out looking decent in Office 2007. The doc/xls support in OO is so good at this point that the flaws in

@domEuro: You pussy, you can swear. We're grown-ups here, we can handle it.

@freddybob: Long overdue in my opinion. The cli version works great, but it's a pain in the ass having to remember what every switch does. Handbrake isn't exactly an app you can run without passing any options.

@AndyFromTucson: I was thinking the same thing. Kind of a piss off that the N800 gets lumped in with those other devices, the 800 pixel wide screen handles regular Lifehacker pretty good.

@junyo: so you iPhone people need to quit your bitchin

I'll probably do something like this when my credit card gets paid down. I want to be debt free before I start worrying about my savings, though I have been putting away money for other things lately.

Actually, screw the Rock Band drums. I want to use these with my computer.

Anyone got a similar howto for Ardour on Linux?

I've seen the sentiment expressed that this looks a lot like what Vista should have been, and I have to agree. It seems like a lot of the features mentioned here were being touted for Vista but got cut in favour of the stuff nobody was really clamouring for. If this fixes a lot of what people found wrong with Vista,

@rdburke: Microsoft usually offers an "Upgrade version" of their operating systems for people who own a relatively recent previous version at a cheaper price. It requires that you have the old version installed first though, meaning that any future reinstalls tend to be a huge pain in the ass, and speaking as someone

Anyone know how well this game runs on a Linux netbook, such as an EEE 701 or an Aspire One? I can never seem to get into games on my desktop PC (feels too much like work) but on netbooks it's not quite so bad.

@KStrike155: There is no Ubuntu 1.0. Ubuntu release numbers mean the year and month they were released in. The first release that I'm aware of was 4.10, released in October of 2004.

@FACT.50: Yeah, I liked the Big Hit. It was a great "turn off your brain" popcorn movie. Plus it had Captain Sisko in it, which gives it bonus points in my books.

@Badben: Hey, some guys are into that sort of thing.

Just tried this on my N800. It's got potential, but this is definitely an alpha. Buggy and slow. It won't replace the default Maemo browser yet, but maybe someday.

Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots on the Emerge site reminded me a lot of Enlightenment E17.

Maybe it's just me, but the screenshots on their site remind me a lot of Enlightenment (E17).