You don’t see a difference between debunking a magic act and pushing someone to commit murder?
You don’t see a difference between debunking a magic act and pushing someone to commit murder?
I’m sorry you feel attacked, but if your generation is attacked it’s usually in comments sections rather than in articles by major publications, and by people who aren’t yet the majority of shakers-and-movers: politicians, editors, CEOs, etc. You can focus on your hurt feelings, or your can collect your own people who…
I don’t want to knock us at all! I think a lot of us got the wind knocked out of our sails and beat up pretty hard by the baby boomers. So many students had to move back in with their parents after college (I was in college in 2008). We’re a wonderful generation—but we’re a demoralized generation, too. Many of us…
Me too. And then my next thought is of how badly we have failed them.
I wouldn’t knock us Millennials too hard. I mean, that’s part of being a Millennial, blaming yourself for failing so hard. We were born into a lot of circumstances that were beyond our control and will remain so...for the rest of our lives. The greatest gift we can give to ourselves is forgiveness. The standards were…
I can’t tell you how much the actions of our nation’s teens these past few days have renewed my hope for the future. The kids are all right.
Oh, come on.
My guess is that she was hamstrung by protocol, but the dark color and black ribbon show that her philosophy is with the movement.
I sorta think Megan leaving to marry a prince was the best advertising that show ever got. I completely forgot it was even still on until that news hit.
Second (3rd?) season she and George had an episode where they literally talked about how they weren’t doing anything and never got any good surgeries!
If she was perfectly lovely to you, when there was literally no reason to be, she could have won that armrest battle, why would you believe she’s a diva?
I’ve liked her in everything I’ve seen her in. I’m super thrilled that we’re still perpetuating the “difficult actress” rumor after everything that’s happened in the last 6 months. Especially since she was right about what she said- including that Knocked Up was misogynistic. You go enjoy your gorgeous mountain farm…
The writers made her have GHOST SEX with Denny! It was the worst story line possible and she shouldn’t lose her career for noticing.
Ultimately is because what we still want from actresses (look good, seem charming) is very replaceable, while what we want from male actors (look good*, be charismatic) is less replaceable. There’s a new Victoria Secret angel every year; but damned it’s been 40 years and we’ve barely had another Harrison Ford. So…
Why is Katherine Heigl being treated like the Anti-Christ? The stuff she said about Knocked Up was right. You’ve got guys like Sean Penn and Shia LaBeouf, who are well known assholes, yet are still get major roles. Until he blew up his life, Charlie Sheen was still the highest paid actor on t.v.
I know nothing about Katherine Heigl (I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a TV show/movie that she’s in) other than that she is rumored to be “difficult” to work with. And that really bothers me, because 1.) tons of men are notoriously “difficult” and it never seems to stop them from getting work and 2.) as we’ve…
He’s lovely but his hair bothers me. It’s too something and I’m not sure if it’s the cut or the color or the length but I can’t get past it.
I’m pretty sure I remember reading even Rogen criticizing it recently. It was definitely sexist. I feel like I remember him admitting that they were dicks on set, too, but don’t quote me on that.
I agree. Except for the oldest one, the one with the resting bitch face... Kourtney. She seems pretty into being a mom. At least last time I tuned in which was many years ago.