This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.
This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.
I can’t believe this won. That guy’s an idiot.
Thank you for your support. Really. Its much needed at this hour.
This engineer’s plans was never going to work. The Apple car doesn’t have Windows.
Imagine a world without the U.S. flooding it with weapons and drug money.
This is the kind of Investigative Journalism that I come here for.
For all the bullshit spewing from their mouths, that was an absolutely artful boulder drop onto a tiny target. Kudos to the bobcat operator.
Back in PR, I worked about 70 miles from home (other side of the island), so I had a small apartment I’d stay at close to work. There was a student who lived next door for a few months, and one day she showed up with a different car.
I’m glad there were other witnesses on the scene who detained the fleeing suspect until the cops arrived, unlike worthless Matthew Santoro whose priority was to film the incident for Twitter likes.
I love all the guys standing around in fire-proof suits and helmets and the actual guy doing the work has shorts and a baseball hat on.
Exactly why he cut the straps remains unclear.
That’s a Mk 3 Transit, isn’t it?
After listening to the audio, and how chill she was during the whole landing, I was expecting her to put in a lunch order for her and the co-pilot.
The real interesting thing is that appears to be the spare wheel (what is left of it). They probably got a flat, put on the spare to find it was flat too, and said screw it.
You can’t test for human behavior in sanitized conditions.
I am grateful and of course mildly ashamed. Thank heavens he is alive.
Shutting down all his social media, sounds like they are sure they will not be getting the same son back, either a psychiatric or drug issue, victim of a major crime, or some severe physical trauma. Glad they found him but it is sounding like they have a long hard road ahead as a family.
Oh, and they called him not to sevice his car before it started steaming, but to complain about his Facebook post. That’s service!