
its 2018. why would you want any VCR?

I had to scroll too far for this.

The structure itself is said to be unstable...

why the fuck did he do this to an E46 wagon

Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works

I immediately thought of the time I had to mend the coolant hose of my Land Rover Discovery II Td5 in -12 Celcius (10f) in a country that does not exist.

I hypermiled my GTI. It didn’t do very well. 35ish.

I’m the David Tracey of Land Rovers so I’ll have to say my trusty Discovery II Td5, yes, I’ve said it: Trusty.

I’ll be using my unicorn. Saabs never get stuck anyway so I should be set

This lovely 1997 Range Rover

It summer time in Australia 🇦🇺 and I just did a charity rally through the outback in this. 3500kms in 6 days mostly on dirt roads

My daily/holiday travel/beach travel/home depot run chariot is my red 1995 XJ (American, not the sportier British made one) 240000 miles on that trusty 4.0 and still going strong! Hopefully the picture of her loads right from my phone.

The 4x4 Vito will get me there no matter what.

Not going anywhere. Just skiing/exploring with the usual suspects.

If I’m lucky, he’ll be roadworthy again in a couple weeks! (Minus the totally-out-of-character Austin snow.)