
I’ve been binge-watching this on Netflix for a while starting from the beginning, and I have a total love/hate relationship with it as I’m constantly amazed at what good actors and actresses can do with this utter garbage material. (I am also a huge fan of Mireille Enos and I couldn’t get through 20 minutes of The

So, yeah, Ellen P being “ready to re-up” might not be such a surprise, in that there are few good, lasting parts for women her age. Love it or hate it, but shows like The Good Wife, which showcase older (women) actors are few and far between. If it were me, I’d ride that hospital pony until it was lame. [I love horses

I’m an avid Grey’s fan. Some seasons have been better than others.

I’m guessing Callie’s plane to NY is going to crash in the season premiere.

The episode where Miranda was swabbing those petri dishes was the scariest to me. On a show where anything could happen for a bit I thought she was planning a mass poisoning for the finale episode. I remember sitting here like fuck no this show is going off the rails.

Do it!!! It’s been a roller coaster ride but the saga that is Grey’s is a beautiful one.

Here’s what I can tell you about uberwealthy people, after having worked pretty closely with disgustingly rich people for 15ish years:


Counterpoint for this person:

Aside from them being cheaper to book outright, if you’re staying for longer than a weekend it’s great to have a kitchen and access to a washer/dryer so you’re not constantly eating at restaurants or sending your clothes out to get laundered.

Is the show like the books in that the only reason the Umbers are playing ball with the Boltons is because the Greatjon is a captive of the Lannisters?

Is there anyone left at Riverrun to come north and help? Or are they stuck b/c of the Freys?

Yeah, the khals died, no women were in the pavilian so the Dosh Khaleen are intact. Will be interesting to see if they provide some sort of matriarchal guidance under Dany or if, since they were pretty content to consign her to a grim fate, she marginalizes/kills them too.

I think we can all agree that in a perfect world the slavers would be hung by their balls and all the slaves would be free and happy and compensated. But I think they’re trying to show the difficulty of enacting changes to practices that endured for thousands of years. Tyrion getting the slavers to stop these

I love how Margery was all “Get your shit together!” and then realized she’s going to have to save both of them because her brother is useless. I feel like that’s almost every female character on the show, except poor Myrcella. They all know if they want shit done, they have to do it.

I said it in last’s night io9 thread and I’ll say it again, I’m gettin’ real sick and fucking tired of Ramsay’s god damn letter opener.

Eye contact and posture.

It’s kind of ridiculous, isn’t it? That it’s so engrained to be nice. I truly don’t think he really meant to cross boundaries and I really do believe he won’t do it again. But of course I should’ve told him not to touch me. I in no way felt threatened nor do I feel concerned in any way about the bosses. I am sure,

I really don’t think he’ll do it again. If he does, I’ll let him know, probably less tactfully than I’d like, just why he can’t do that shit.