
It looks like there are two photographers with the same name - one in Australia who is the mean one, and an innocent British dude. The bride posted an apology to the UK dude for unintentionally involving him in the whole thing, and the AUSTRALIAN is using a screen cap of that to pretend she apologized to HIM.

SHE is gorgeous, but this dress is glitter vomit.

I don't get the worship of her on this site. I mean, I respect her. I just don't get the crazy adoration.

Just really, really not feeling it. Too genie-esque, too high.

I like that dress but her hair is SO BAD. She still looks lovely though.

Was that just a pithy reference for the audience’s enjoyment or are we supposed to read into it more - like she has some connection to Ygritte or can see into the past in some way? I wasn’t sure.

YES! can we talk about this?! is there a larger significance other than her just being creepy powerful?

Don’t forget Melisandre telling Jon that there is something powerful in him.

Yeah. Absolutely. Stannis saying it wasn’t Ned Stark’s way, Barristan playing up Rhaegar’s kindness, and Littlefinger being generally bemused...they basically spelled it out.

She’s not into him, she’s just using her newly-acquired womanly wiles to control him. Still creepy AF though

I will say the Red Queen telling Jon Snow he knows nothing at the end was pretty great!

The Littlefinger/Sansa kiss creeped me the FUCK out.

I mean... they dropped so many hints in this episode, I was half-expecting the theory to be officially confirmed by the end of the hour.


from what i can tell, barristan is dead (at least judging by the preview for next week/the interviews) and grey worm is still alive.

For book readers:

Yeah, Cersei is actually really bad at the Game of Thrones, but she THINKS she’s amazing at it. Which is probably the worst kind of player to be.

Thoughts on episode 4 (sorry so long, I have lots of thoughts guys!)

So I am really loving how the activists/protestors have really adapted since Ferguson and found a way to use the sensationalism of the media against the media. I know there are a lot of ignorant people who still don’t get what Ferguson, NY and Baltimore are about right now (and maybe some never will) but I think the

So in on the joke a bunch of them walked right the fuck out of the joke.