Desert Island Girl

I nearly cried laughing when I turned the page to HECKBLAZER done in that font.

Countdown is worse, and Earth 2: World's End is probably worse than either of them, although Countdown is SO GODDAMN LONG.

In FabNic's New Thunderbolts, the Bolts have to unwillingly take down the New Avengers, and Atlas throws Luke Cage out to sea after asking him if he can swim. It's pretty great stuff.

The more I backread, the less I like Hawkguy, that is very very true.

The Doc Samson/Moonstone fight is so absolutely perfect.

"Shut up! I'm trying to watch CHiPs!"

Fuck. I watched so much of this show first run, always thinking "How the hell did they get this on the air?" And Moltar was the best.

Fred is drawn as kind of a bara hunk. Shit I never knew I wanted.jpg, you know?

Russell both here and in Prez, I find, has a deft hand at combining genuine human feeling with deliberate kicks in the gut.

Right, no one knows for sure on numbers. But the question was "Why hasn't DC done this thing that Marvel does?", and I suspect the answer is "Because they have a slightly different model going already and they're not interested in damaging it." There's an astounding bounty of back catalog that DC is putting up—and

Marvel isn't making money off MU—if anything, it's probably a loss leader, its origins are in their failed past attempts to sell comics on CD. Compared to having a format where you sell individual back issues or assembled back issue collections as digital trades, the subscription model is almost certainly less

Because DC actually makes a good amount of money selling their backlist, there's no motivation for them to give it away for nothing.

It's not nearly as Deep Continuity Rooted, and Kenan's more of a jerk than Courtney was, she was more of a brat, but you know, there's some comparison to be made.

Also I cannot say enough about how much I am enjoying The Flintstones, wtf. It's so dark. It's so good.

Exactly. Robinson's Old Batman was at least tying into some weird shit and ongoing mysteries, but Taylor got to do whatever he wanted (per an AMA he did), and his first thing was to scuttle everything set up with Red Tornado and nonsensically turn her into Lois, because he felt so bad about what he did in Injustice,

I physically cringed at a recent letter they printed in Thunderbolts asking for Stucky to be made canon.

Oh, that was even worse—the weekly that preceded the relaunch as 'Earth 2: Society' was a disaster on every level. But Tom Taylor, when he took over from Robinson after Editorial basically pushed him off the book at what was it, #16 or so, took it into Superman wank that was marginally more readable, and yet I found

I like Nicola Scott's art a lot but I have no interest in yet another origin story, and the other story was literally a talky crawl and I ain't got time for that when there's stuff moving along. The Wonder Woman run I keep coming back to is Messner-Loebs, of the much-maligned Taco Whiz cover. I think he did a lot of

Sheriff is taking a break soon but coming back for a 'second season'.

New Super-Man is like 90s Superboy. It's actually hitting the incredibly elusive "teen book" notes despite not being so labeled and marketed as such. Real delight, I hope this one survives for a good solid run.