
Unless the clue was saying that the movie titled "Red River" was referenced in the film "The Last Picture Show". In that case, I still call bullshit because that is a poorly constructed clue.

I liked it. Though, I'd probably prefer to watch TimeCop, to be honest. Beasts of the Southern Wild doesn't really seem like a holiday season movie to me.

You are correct to call bullshit on it, and here's why. And it isn't because of the shoddy structure of the clue.

I definitely thought it was asking for a quote from "Red River" and I was stumped. I've never even heard of "Red River". And when the correct Q was revealed, I was skeptical. Is that really referencing "Red River"? As mentioned above, that is just what people in the South called the theatres. It is referring to the

Apparently not. The article I read said both man and snake are now fine.

Common Core is actually pretty useful for helping kids do math in their heads.

I read an interview about it on Friday. Apparently the snake is fine? I'm dubious. Maybe I should watch. Wait, of course I am going to watch. A snake is eating a guy.

I'm with you! I can't even claim to be a big fan of III. And I even think IV is just okay. Don't like VI and I think "First Contact" is maybe passable? Maybe?

Pretty sure there is an entry about the paintings on Pottermore. I vaguely recall reading it when I went there to look at all these biographical entries.

The wizarding gossip column one probably does count as a short story. The others are indeed all encylopedia entries. Just backstories on people, objects and places.

I didn't watch. I don't think I can handle the Kids Week games.

It was a 10th grade book at my school.

Yeah! I missed Thursday's episode and I am back to not being able to find it on YouTube. Grrr.


Better you than me. Thankfully I am in concert all week with the Symphony and I will miss the entire week's worth of episodes. Woo!

Well, I guess this is officially a thing now

Yeah. I'm now kind of disappointed. Turing has a fascinating life story. The story of breaking the Enigma code is also incredible. Trust Hollywood to dumb it down and make it boring. Ugh.

Why is Eliza Coupe's skin orange in this photo? It is disturbing to me.

I remember trying to download the Phantom Menace trailer through my old dial up internet connection. And I actually waited all that time just to see it. And I, too, thought it seemed pretty cool. Alas.

They're playing it in front of every movie? I remember when I went to see "Ice Age" just because there was a Star Wars trailer. Little did I know that "Ice Age" would turn out to be a better movie than the Star Wars prequels. (Actually I don't remember if it was Ice Age. It was just some stupid animated movie I never