
Now, I am not a country music hater. There is a lot of good music there. I need to stress that. However, the country version of "I Swear" is even worse than the insipid pop version. Somehow, the slight twang in it gives it this extra edge of whine that makes it terrible.

Hey, I actually heard that song last week! I thought it was…. okay, but kind of blah. And the lyrics are a bit whiny.

And this is why I wasn't into music when I was a teenager. In 1994, my podunk town got 2 oldies radio stations, 2 country stations, and sometimes, on really clear days we could get a Top 40 station from the big city 90 miles away. And all MTV was playing was this crap.

Oh, I deeply missed the John Teti Project Runway reviews. It was wonderful to have this. Thanks, Teti.

I was always sure that it was totally random and Ben just doctored up some evidence to make Sayid think Widmore did it.

Not sure that fits with Arizona being a Game of Thrones state.

Hi! I'm DesertDweller! Nice to meet you.

Ugh. This is terrible news. Depression is a horrible, horrible thing.

As if I needed another reason to like Benedict Cumberbatch.

Yeah. Really, there is never enough Rupert Graves.

Or, anywhere, really. Where is Party Down more popular than Veronica Mars?

The premise is from 1985 and the quotes are nauseating. Sounds like another winner from NBC.

42, of course.

My favorite flashback stories from S1 are

And then they abandon their salamander babies! Janeway is so heartless!

Oh, that first letter is so depressing. There are just so many different depressing parts of it. Normally I hate when Dan advocates for cheating, but….. Actually, I wish he'd pressed the DTMFA a bit more.

Same with me. I'm 35. The last two guys who asked me out were way too young. Now, I know I look a lot younger than 35, and they didn't know how old I really am. So, I tried to be polite. But, yeah…. no.

No, it is flutist, according to the flute players in my Symphony. They don't play the flaut.

This is very good to hear. This was definitely my biggest concern when I heard he was brought in.

I am really excited to hear this. I had actually forgotten that it was coming out. Now I have something fun to do tonight!