
Manassas has a Charcoal Chicken Kabobs and a Charcoal Chicken.

Did you see the mullet?

Everyone I know adores that movie.

Even free games get fullscreen right.

I've had 4 bank accounts in the last ten years (2 personal, 2 business), and I don't even bother ordering checks.

Being my own boss and providing local and remote support, I always open with "And what steps have you already tried?"

Personally, I like the added touch that if you fell into "Eats at Olive Garden", you have no chance of not being an asshole.

Those caterpillars on her forehead look angry.

And yet if it was a dude talking about banging a chick, you wouldn't have said anything.

I'm guessing the Dubai Islands taught them nothing...

I was molested when I was 7, and I stilled laughed at the joke.

Karat is used to denote percentage, and stops at 24k. 24 karat gold is pure (or 99.999 fine).

I was sitting here typing the exact same thing, and even started defending myself with "I'm not OCD, but..." I started doing this because of a stand up routine I saw YEARS ago, which even popped up on Best of CL back in 07.

He doesn't know how to use the three seashells!

Back in 1994 we took a buddy out for his 30th b-day. The three of us end up grabbing a seat as the DJ intro's the next dancer "Angel" and queues up "Send me an Angel". Now, I don't know why (I hadn't been to this club before) but I knew who she was before I even looked up. The name, the choice in song, the black

I really hope I'm not the only one that tested him before sending him off to do his, ahem, duty.

I was waiting for this one to pop up.

How long before Ben Heck makes one that actually plays Genesis games?

The dickbutt on the knife blade had me giggling more than I should be.

You wanna know how I got these scars?