
my horoscope is far more accurate a predictor of my behaviour than my MBTI. Personality typing is the latter-day astrology but corporations spend millions on em

@Steve Martin: Augmented Reality apps will need the back camera.

so it wasn't the French? :p

LOL @ US consumers stuck to single carrier options. Join the free world dudes!

does it sync geotagging info from the phone?

might as well use hipstamatic...

will it allow legitimate users outside the US to buy apps?

@Zinger314: facetime does mac to iphone and even mac to mac

@NorthernRoamer: Sure, from YOUR perspective it's ridiculous. Please don't generalise to the rest of humanity.

@NorthernRoamer: Chopsticks work like tongs. They're way more versatile than forks, if you only have one hand to spare (and you can always hold a spoon in the other, like many people do). Excellent for pasta, by the way!

@BKKKevin: "I doubt the other 6+ Billion of us will embrace a language that has a cultural foundation that allows its rulers to rewrite and delete history... "

@RaindropBebop: or that the antenna "problem" wasn't that big of a deal.

is there a way to stream from my iPhone to my PC/Mac screen (eg videos and pics I took on my iPhone)

101 - people who make lists about Facebook that basically cover everybody who uses it.

would it be responsible to SEED Saturn with arsenic-based bacteria to see how they'd thrive or terraform the place?

WTB Bard's Tale and Ultima series for iOS

@blackcat13: then shall we agree that it's easier to maintain a Mac than a PC, all else being equal?

@blackcat13: my PCs (desktop and laptop) crash far more often than my Mac. It's not just looks.

@callit: not just looks. even the overall production values aren't that appealing. I don't see why there isn't a PC-flavoured uberlight laptop, for example.

Slovenia has a centuries-old wine making tradition - similar to neighbours Italy and Austria. They're just not as well marketed (coming out of the former Soviet bloc doesn't help their rep)