
iPhone camera users:

Nikon is like Canon, except more expensive for the same features.

that's Peter Schwartz, not Pete Worden, speaking in the video.

@RuckingFetard: Well then Apple needs some way to flag their mail — doesn't have to be Google's way, but it's a very useful and not uncommon feature.

@tylerstyle: SALEs dropped. They probably made more than they could sell and had to eat the difference.

stars. iPhone's native Mail app is missing the ability to add stars to mail in the inbox.

First porn image please

"but viewing on your iOS device isn't all that great since the Dropbox app doesn't provide any kind of thumbnail previews. "

"I'm so dumb! I'm sorry!"

terry pratchett was right!

"Post-Carbon Age"?

Suggests they might actually be serious about recapturing the initiative again, and not resting on a ledge taking the breather that is Win 7.

if uniform distribution = entropy, why do we call it "mess"?

can this power a laptop?

Are those powered USB ports? Could be a winner!

Many urban centres in Asia lack space to sprawl roads through (esp if you want to keep heritage buildings and streets intact).

time for a story on ubercool devices for people with physical differences.

poor Americans who're still stuck with non-tethered iPhones. How about you unlock iTunes Store in Asia and we give you our plan-neutral iPhones?