
I die everytime I see this sketch because my bug fuck crazy Conservative, Evangelical with an MD but still somehow doesn’t believe in evolution Uncle has that exact. Same. Outfit.

Oh. My. God. I know this man except he wants to be called Colton (real name: Lashun). Green contacts & New balance, aged 41.

I love her so much. And as a POC who is gendered, othered, exasperated and infuriated, I completely understand/empathize with her position. Go Kara GO!

Kara Walker does not give a fuck.

Fucked up, ain’t it? To think that one day we may have to get the Germans to come over here to fight the Nazis.

The brilliance of the master race on display.

We never “denazified” the confederacy here. We could learn from Germany.

You forgot -

kalief browder: 3 years for not stealing backpack

Parents who don’t want to discipline their kids should be forced to watch all this guy’s stuff.

Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.

Graduated college and immediately bought a house? This story cannot be real.

You should write fortune cookie messages, aiming to fill the niche of totally ruining someone’s night...

So your avatar is a picture of that moment? *wink*

I love everything about this story. What good kids.

My sister asked a boy out, he laughed, said no and then told her that she was ugly. He then proceeded to share the news with all of his mates and then this spread like wildfire throughout her year level. My sister was 15 at the time. She cried for weeks but, then picked herself up and carried on. This is who she is.

What? How does that relate to feminism?

Call him out. Point out the irony. REVEL in it. Dooooooo iiiiiiiiiit.

What a lucky break you got that she turned you down. Imagine dating that monster.

From the Greys