
No it's not. You suggest they will mention it a number of times, but I guarantee they will talk about it precisely once in the opening moments of the game, SC will show it exactly once. But to play the entire game with unauthorized apparel? The NBA having to decide to levy a fine? THAT would send a message. THAT would

So what? Take a stand, pay the fine, make a statement that will actually be heard.

So basically a meaningless gesture. Nobody will see it, outside the short mention at the beginning of the game the announcers will mention. I'd much rather have seen the players wear something during gametime. This? Worthless.

So now people can't send assistants or interns to shows in their place?


because people weren't calling him an asshole, they were calling him a nigger.

My first thought was about their parents, too. No, scratch that, my first thought was I would beat the ever-loving hell out of my kids* if they did something like this. Then I started thinking about how many of their parents are responsible for this bullshit behavior. Sadly, if you're not actively teaching your kids

This one really hurt my heart. I need a break from white people for at least until the end of the weekend.

True story from a dark-skinned Black woman with Black hair: this has actually happened to me several times. I'll be at a friend's wedding or party or wherever. A friend will say, "picture time!" and I'll gather with friends to be photographed, usually, in these instances, with all non-Black friends. Pics will be

Do people at Jezebel not understand photography and lighting? Must this be an issue every single time a person with some melanin has a photo shoot.

Paul Orndorff would kill to be relevant enough for death threats right about now.

Can't wait for the story of Lolo Jones failing at a spelling bee and quickly trying to become a mathlete to keep the attention of her 4th grade class.

It's always fascinating that such strict nativists, who likely hate foreigners who speak other languages, take no pride in the English language and using it fluently.

...and over 200 years of unpaid slave labor ripped from Africa. I think that helped quite a bit.

I absolutely loved the camera shot with Peggy sitting in Don's chair. That was my favorite moment in the episode.

Yes, please tell me more about that false equivalence.

Black people wearing "preppy" clothes can never be appropriation since appropriation involves a DOMINANT culture taking from an oppressed one.