
Given that you're disregarding anything unless you've personally experienced it, as one man to another (because clearly you'd never take the word of a woman) I'd say no, you are most certainly not "an ally."

So you would rather go with your own experience than listen to people who have ACTUALLY experienced the things we discuss?

1) It's Milford, Conn. Wiki says demographics are 98% white.

Hi. Mental illness is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause violent behavior. Most mentally ill people do not display violent behaviors at all. So attributing this kind of appalling behavior to being some sort of "crazy" is a nonsense statement which actually contributes to biases and prejudices toward actual

Marget Atwood once recalled that when she asked a male friend why men feel threatened by women, he answered, "They are afraid women will laugh at them." When she asked a group of women why they feel threatened by men, they said, "We're afraid of being killed."

"See? Women always reject the nice guys."

But think of men and their feefees!!

How much do you want to bet this article's being posted on some MRA sites with the word "friendzone" attached in some way?

What the ever-loving fuck?! Seriously, this is a clear-cut horrifying example of male fucking privilege and the way our society teaches boys they're fucking entitled to girls.

Actually, what makes me angry is that the commercial doesn't go far enough. I was at many times brutalised beyond the kind of Saved by the Bell antics the video portrays. Did a lot of this stuff happen to me? Yes. I was surprised to see being shoved into lockers not portrayed (this also actually happened to me).

Being bullied happens in all sorts of psychologically twisted ways that go way beyond simple acts of physical violence, even beyond online bullying as you acknowledged.

What made me angry about this commercial was that, for the most part, people dont get away with things like stringing someone from the flagpole. Bullying when I was a kid was much more verbal than physical, and even when it was physical it was sneaky. It was unprovable. For years I didn't count what happened to me

Haha, I have the same type of panties in a few colors, and even though the lace is gapping, I am loath to toss them. They're totally "feelin' comfy" panties.

I hear you… buy new underwear pretty regularly but for some reason it takes me forever to throw my panties away. I should probably feel like a hypocrite because I'm always teasing my boyfriend about his hole-y shirts and boxers but I will wear undies on period days or lazy days until they literally self-destruct or

Yeah I've got the special occasion pairs, the ain't got nobody to impress pairs and the period pairs

Oh my god, you have just described my panty life. We're beast buddies!

This. If they're actually torn, they're garbage. When the elastic wears out enough that they won't stay in place correctly, they're garbage. When the period stains finally won't come out with bleach (or more likely, when the bleaching and scrubbing wears the crotch into holes and threads), they're garbage.

Are we the same person? Last night my boyfriend was like, "it might be time to throw those away." This morning I took them off and threw them in the dirty clothes hamper instinctively. This article might have inspired me to throw them out when I get home.

So today is exactly a month away from my wedding, which is in a place that is not close to some people I invited. I invited a small number of friends from college and high school though, because they were close to me. I have not yet received RSVPs from most of them, and I am actually pretty ticked. The thing is, I