
Oh no! My cat wears dickie bows, ties and the odd cravat too! Eeeeeek!!

I agree, sounds like something must have happened to him for him to be getting on like that!

Mother Nature attacks!

I wonder if someone was messing with the cat before she attacked.

Maybe he knows the cat from Portland (maybe? I think so?) a few weeks ago that terrorized it's family! It's like the Feline Uprising is commencing... the dog was right all along...

I would suspect that it is more likely a physical ailment, like an internal abscess that is causing pain. The animal wouldn't know where the pain is coming from and might just attack anyone around as an expression of that. Just my guess though. It could just be off of its lithium.

fist thought that comes to mind

Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!!! (Shanter. Or, if I may.....Catner.

I knew sticking a piece of bread on your cat's head and taking pictures was a bad idea. Now they're fighting back.

I firmly believe that if they hadn't given it a Killer Robot name this never would have happened.

And seriously, has said employee seen some of their company's work?

Which is surprising, given that your tits are dangerous.

Oh, you'd be surprised. My greatest cast member skill so far is learning to say the most sarcastic things with a Disney princess voice and a great big smile. PEOPLE DON'T CATCH ON.

How is it admirable to strongly believe in something in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary?

They should convict him in the Netherlands, Canada, AND the US. Then, after each sentence is up, they can extradite him to the next country to serve in prison there. Afterwards, they can parachute drop him into North Korea with a sign on his chest reading "*Dear* Leader? More like *WEIRD* Leader - amirite?"


I knew a guy who was friends with friends of mine, and who seemed perfectly nice and normal whenever we spoke in real life. We became FB friends, and there was an immediate onslaught of condescending, mean responses to some liberal-slanted posts that I'd made. Turns out he was a neocon who hated liberals, and rather

Wow, the second time in one week soemebody from the Netherlands gets arrested for thinking they are free to do whatever on the internet. I'm living there right now, and I am surprised how internet-savvy even the youngest are. For the first time in my life I actually know people who write horrible comments on the

child predators deserve life sentences of hard labor and chemical castration.

I feel sad for her even they caught the guy... Poor little girl. , I wish teenagers will learn from this sad story... and parents try to be more closer to their kids...