
Ugh fuck this guy! no coherent words. Just rage.

I feel for the center woman, I really do. My ass eats whatever fabric ventures down there :(

Does anybody remember the "just natural" boogers joke that was so popular when I was a kid? It relies a lot on gestures, but I'll try to do it justice in print and gifs:

Holy Freud!

" fundamentally ugly"

Or he's never seen, you know, a camera.

Fuck no.
- Person Who Wears Black Everyday

I used to live in a trailer park in my early 20s and I was extremely HOT! and so was my room mate. We just happened to be very very poor.

Yes. Everyone that lives in a tailor is trash and could never be beautiful. That is for white women that are raised in suburbia and are middle class. Ugh.

And you guys didn't have to pay $10k for these, what a bargain! (I kid, I kid. Mostly.)

This is the best Donatella has looked in years!

"leaked online" Be honest Jezebel, how much did you pay for those?

Full lips and ample posteriors earn women of color ridicule. But they suddenly become beautiful when adorned by white woman.


Thank you for this article. You articulated this phenomenon perfectly. Sincerely, Puerto Rican woman with a big ass that was mocked my whole life by white people.

While I'm kinda jelly that she's getting all this attention for her ass while I too have a big ass, I'd rather be known for my talent instead of my butt. If she goes down in history as "that girl with the butt", I shouldn't be jealous. We big booty girls know who we are.

Reminds me of Saartjie Baartman a bit - women of colour's bodies treated as curios and exoticised/fetishised rather than as standards of beauty.