Oh, wow. I didn't even know they were siblings! Ha!
Oh, wow. I didn't even know they were siblings! Ha!
Yeah, as a former housekeeper, I'd just like to send her a hearty FUCK YOU YOUR ART SUCKS AND IS STUPID AND SELFISH AND IT FUCKS UP OUR WORK DAY.
Hahahah. I've watched True Blood with my mom and.. yeah. Awks. Pretty sure she's forced herself into a nap during some True Blood sexytimes.
I thought Heathers was super yawn. #sorrynotsorry
Experimental lethal injections? o_____o
Please do not conflate douchebaggery with mental illness.
Don't be a dick.
Sobriety (and the maintenance of) is not the same thing for everyone. Some people, after 13 years, are able to be as your boyfriend, with alcohol around them. Some people, after 50 years, are not. It's different for everyone. In the beginning stages of sobriety, I would imagine it to be much more difficult to abstain.
Good luck, crazy hair lady. Fun fact: it's possible to remove even dreads with time, patience, and deeeeep conditioning. So.
Oh, she looks lovely!
I actually don't think men are "bad", nor did I say anything remotely like that. You are not a very good mind reader!
It's really sad that you think so lowly of men. I hope you can work on that.
It's pretty amazing; even people who have suffered and died can be sexist pigs. Even more amazing is that they should be held to regular standards, too! AND, beyond that, they're human.. not gods! Wow!!
Aw, poor bbys can't always get away with saying disgusting, sexist shit with women around. How I feel for them.
His girlfriend seems to have found it funny and/or cute, so I think you might be overreacting just a lil.
The age of consent in half of Europe is irrelevant.