was it that same turn where very other track day family sedan “R” edition car goes off the track?
was it that same turn where very other track day family sedan “R” edition car goes off the track?
the cop on the extreme right of the image has a rifle with a silencer on it?
they are not trying to please President Cheeto. They do this shit because they like it. it is merely an excuse for thuggery, as if they needed another.
we have mexicans to mowe our lawns, build our houses, make our food, and vote for us. no time for civics because Call of Duty.
prove I’m NOT god.
The days of sending men to sea in nuclear powered submarines are numbered. We will keep a few around, mostly to keep EB in business, but the actual mission requirements are often better accomplished via unmanned vehicles (UMV). UMV is the future of undersea warfare. A wolf-pack of UMV’s negates the advantage of the…
God I miss Sean.
THing is, everyone has their own personal brand of idiocy. I mean, do you now or have you ever eaten at McDonalds? Ever smoked a cigarette? Do you have an iPhone? Are you sedentary? Do you watch “reality” TV? Lots of ways to harm yourself. THis is just one guys method. </verbose>
This environment is why god made supermotos. period.
I am wondering about this: you know how some folks say the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution is really about having weapons to protect yourself from the government, and not really about hunting? Well, what if we considered our motorcycles as a sort of vehicular equivalent? I mean, something like “I need a bike…
fuck itunes
“Trumping” is now a verb.
I own and drive a Leaf every day.
secret asian man in trump wig?
erm....fake as fuck. how he knew to be at that spot at that time and that scooterguy had his phone? i mean, ‘tf? and how he gets the surveillance video? i say -nyet.