Hollywood Speed: I don't know what I'm doing

As long as my back-end teams get their work done, I don’t care when they get here. My front end people need to be ready to go when we open the doors to the public at 9:00 am. My program delivery people need to be ready for their groups when the group arrives. I pay the front end 15 minutes more to ensure that they’re

I used to have a boss who would say early is on time, on time is late.

New York blows and the only people trying to tell us otherwise are the poor saps who have convinced themselves that the fact that they live there makes them better than everyone. Your trains suck, your people suck, your attitudes suck, and your pizza sucks!

Post some more after you’ve found a life with more meaning in it than political bullshit that never changes.

Not even joking here.

Remember.... you cant be discriminated against if you’re white or male.

Negra I can accept since you say he’s a native Spanish speaker

Next up:

You’re reporting on something that is totally unsubstantiated in any way.

Upon entering the car, take note of the time. Then, the moment you forget you’re in a Kia check the time. Basically, I want to know when/if the magic stops.

Build date 4/20/2016

Apparently they are going to brick it. It’s not just ending support but actually killing the device which I doubt was mentioned at the time of the sale. Ending support is one thing but completely deactivating a device is different.

but the zune was still a functional mp3 player after those services were shut down. The Harmony Link will be completely non-functional.

His best course of action is to retire after the season and live the life he’s earned: unlimited time with his toy trains, conductor’s hat, and hourly snack breaks of mashed potatoes with mayonnaise.

If only he had millions of dollars to fall back on

You fail to mention that in Australia, the horses run clockwise around the track.

I’m not a Colts fan, so this isn’t coming from a place of bias. I honestly feel so bad for Andrew Luck. He seems like a genuinely nice guy who has tried hard to be a positive person, a good teammate, and a role model. It sucks seeing this happen to him. Why can’t someone I hate get hurt and then betrayed by his team?!

Josh Gordon Says He Got Drunk Before Every Browns Game

Cat based testing is the most accurate form of testing.

I’m telling ya, Avengers 4 will be an alternate timeline/altered reality set after Thanos completes the Gauntlet in 3.
I’ve come to this conclusion after hours of vigorous testing in my basement lab with my cats.