
Dude are you serious? She helped write the law that created more punitive punishments for truancy. Furthermore, threatening people with criminal prosecution is a highly reactionary method of combating crime and for minorities those threats almost always become *actual* punishment (see the billions of pages written

Okay fine you replied to a comment about how americans love pragmatic idealism whatever the hell that means. What about Harris is pragmatic? What has she stood for in her life? She threw black mothers in jail and laughed about it. Has she stood for ANY of the things that she currently does outside of the last two

Damn where have i heard this comment before about some dem SAVAGELY thrashing trump during the debates. Yeah that worked out last time. Kamala Harris doesn’t have the courage or the ideology to defeat trump. Like any savvy politician she has taken up progressive positions when they come in vogue but she has never been

Damn love people on this site only caring about charisma and nothing else. Kamala Harris’s actual ideology is of zero importance to liberals. I guess it shouldn’t be surprising ‘cause Obamas actual ideology and policy were of no importance either. He hung out with celebrities and that was real cool.

Agreed. After you pack the courts then pass a law that removes lifetime appointments for any position. It’s beyond absurd that anyone in the government can get something like that.

I think the latter part of my comment implies what a colossal failure the obama years were.

The Supreme Court has never been on the side of democracy. The faster we abolish the entire institution the faster we actually get to a democracy in the US.

I like how you only look at it from the US point of view. Yes it is quite cheap for us to murder untold numbers of people in other countries. I guess the cost of their lives doesn’t factor.

I wish there was an overwhelmingly democratic majority in government that could put all these repulsive ghouls behind bars. That’s never happened though. Wait maybe. I remember “hope” and “change” being said about something but can’t place my finger on it.

Guy who doesn’t want you to criticize a candidate for the most powerful position that has ever existed on him glorifying segregationists compromise simultaneously scolds you for possibly leading to the death of democracy. Now that’s some impressive cognitive dissonance.

Imagine still believing in american exceptionalism at this point.

Anyone who waxes poetic about the Bush days should not be in political office.

Somehow in your comment about AOC and Ted Cruz, AOC is the naive, stupid one. Incredible.

If this market depends on exploitation then it has no right to exist and should be immediately destroyed and created anew. The rest of your comment is a sick apology for capitalism’s worst excesses.

What if.. and this is a big if.... we could still get all those things without exploiting people?

“There’s no such thing as justice”

Impeaching trump is a step in the right direction to fixing the country. Anyone with half a brain can see that.

How about we forget poll numbers and elections for just one single second in this country and think about basic justice. Donald Trump is an out and out criminal who is currently unleashing an agenda that could destroy the earth. How about we at least *try* to hold him accountable on any of the crimes he’s currently

I can’t believe in the year 2019 people are still complaining about the Green Party instead of the awful campaign the democrats ran. Liberals like yourself that bitch endlessly about alternate parties also like to go on and on about how Republican voters and politicians are completely impervious to facts while at the

They’re taking money away from people who actually need it. Now can we imprison them?