
Because you’re using this deodorant, duh.

Car’s MSRP was $33,790 so selling it for $40K (which is never going to happen) would net a whopping 1.4% return, not factoring in inflation.

Bitcoin isn’t a thing that my computer says I have, it’s something that every computer says that I have. That’s the blockchain.

His point was that if he wore the Nazi shit to the rally, and the Trump supporters gave him shit for it, then not all Trump supporters were Nazi’s.

“How dare those protesters throw their bodies in front of the car being driven by that AMERICAN CITIZEN”

This must be the endgame for the NFL. Evolution by concussion.

I once worked with a guy for 3 years and never even learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still don’t talk sometimes.

$225K income is middle class in Cali and NYC but it’s rich for most of the country.

You say a tax on the wealthy will benefit all residents of NYC but when was the last time a billionaire rode the subway. This serves literally zero benefit to the rich, who more than likely have private chauffers to traipse about the city away from the plebs.

All pop music is popular music. Not all popular music is pop music. This is not a hard concept. Wheezing, barely understandable Bob Dylan is folk music. The Beatles were pop music so yes, they were the boy band of their generation. Rolling Stones are not pop.

Bob Dylan’s music is popular but it is in no way pop music.

Usually when a rock act gives a shout out to the city their own it’s met with thunderous applause. You can’t hear one person cheer for the Redskins during this.


It might not be true but they aren’t even trying a single thing to make it safer. There are numerous helmets out there that are touted as reducing concussions and why the NFL hasn’t mandated the move to one of them just buggles my non-concussed mind. QB’s already choose safer helmets on their own; it’s time to take

There’s an entire twitter account for this. @TrumpcriticizesTrump


Bo Jackson and Lebron James were both created in a lab for the express purpose of playing sports.

She’s a paid troll. The less we talk about her the better.

Ah yes, the ever present “It was just a joke” defense used by unfunny morons and racists to explain their dumb comments for years.

Don’t say anything bad about Phil Dawson or Browns fans might come to your house.