
Cant have lego halo. Maybe Megablock Halo... Maybe for the original xbox too!

I'm sure someone out there would publish and front some cash for an exIW game. You'd get your return back no problem.

Instead of milking this franchises in the hands of crappy developers, can Activision finally make me a fucking Heavy Gear sequel already?

Twisted Metal, Please for the love of god.

@gundaman: If you combine armored core with transformers I'd have to quit my job. That or bring a ps3 to work.

@Vylen: if it isnt a brown and tan world then I wont bitch.

@Gravidos: Skywarp was such an evil insane bastard.

@Noodle-Works: I dunno, if I could transform into something with wheels that would get me places faster than walking I would.

@HowardC: Well it's supposed to be GZero, so I would expect something to look more alien and futuristic. I mean, There is no reason to transform into a sony walkman yet.

@roll41: That wouldnt be healthy then now would it?

Did someone just mix twisted metal and gears of war and call it Transformers. Awesome. Bought.

@Mi7ch: I agree. I just assume it was along the lines of "the flood lasted 40 days and 40 nights, but on the 40th day Salem and Rios killed everything on the ark."

@FoolsErrand: I still havnt gotten my Ostagar DLC on ps3... :(

@Shinta: Ultimate Thor does... kinda. when he isnt being a hippie.

@Mi7ch: In a fist bumping, chest pounding, paper rock scissors playing, shotgun bayonetting game that you can take cover behind exploded hippos; I'd think you wouldnt expect to find a plot. Unless by that you mean a plot of land in a cemetery for all the poor bastards you just murdered in the zoo.

@FoolsErrand: As a fan of this game (it's fucking fun with a partner on the couch, bite me!) more of a good thing isnt bad. You dont have to buy DLC anyways. That being said I am happy to cough up money for add ons to games I enjoy. It's just another way of supporting a franchise that I think is fun. You dont

@NeöStarr: agreed, you won the internet today

@Donutta: Urban strike and Nuclear Strike were still pretty BA. I mean, Nuclear Strike on the Pc was all 3dfx! watch out!

@dude_crush: I think it's all the cameos. Now the scenes feel more like an excuse to dig up old celebs and put them in a game. If they really wanted to go that route they would have put Mr. T in long ago.

@Slagathorian: I'd love to play you, I always crush people who take the middle square. In reality it comes down to who gets to move first.