@Alessar: I've seen so many people break their UMD's. No idea how they do it (since FFT: war lions never leaves my psp), but I can see the benefit of not having to carry around a bunch of UMDs.
@Alessar: I've seen so many people break their UMD's. No idea how they do it (since FFT: war lions never leaves my psp), but I can see the benefit of not having to carry around a bunch of UMDs.
@Megamoppy: Dude, you can be fuckn metal without being looney.
@Dullshimmer: agreed. I dont have this game yet. I loved MUA and Xmen Legends1&2. Super hero diablo clones, need more of them.
@thedoorsdk: Agreed, much of the AAA characters as you call them lost their powers or were killed. There weren't that many mutants/heroes left in the Civil War.
@NeoAkira: If the Wii didnt sell well maybe I'd get monster hunter 3 on the friggin PS3 like I was supposed to. Stupid piece of shit gamecubes taped together.
@xxnike629xx: You assume people arent idiots.
@Zocks: I have a friend who bought 7 360s (all red ringed before MS came out with the 3 year warranty). He traded his last one to me for god of war 2.
@Komrade Kayce: Pepsi is for yankees. Either drink Dr. Pepper or I'll shoot you. This is Texas. I'll shoot you.
@playstationpwns: Bing! works awesome for porn clips man. You really should revisit it.
@Chris Morrison: same could be said about your comment.
@frak-frakistan: evidence or do I take the words on frak frakistan for 100% truth 100% of the time. Must be the fucking pope over here.
@TexasJack: or people get jobs and pay 60 dollars for a game.
@jsvalen3: it's boobs right? or hepatitis? or that awesome video of Tommy Lee knocking the bottom out of that?
so hot, want to touch the hiney
@Cookie: dude, if models are responsible for "hauling ass is cool" then sign me up. yee fuckn haw
@Yonderboy: you should have been a fireman like I am. Then you set those nice women's houses on fire and wait 5 minutes then show up and save them. Man I pull so much tail.
@puffa469: I found all of my old RC cars from when I was a kid. Nothing like the RC10 rippin down your street at 50 miles an hour only to explode on impact and bend the shit outta the aluminum tub chassis, then you curse "oh fuck oh fuck?" because that car is worth big bucks these days and you just annihilated it. …
@jhva3: a billion chinamen, but how many chinaladies meow
@puffa469: graffiti has a culture? since when did crap on a wall get it's own culture?
@Zookey: extended charging? Do you know how batteries work? Or do you mean a device that has it's own battery for you to charge separately then charge your psp off that when you need more power? That I could understand...