That light bulb is the dumbest thing I have ever seen since the Atari Jaguar controller.
That light bulb is the dumbest thing I have ever seen since the Atari Jaguar controller.
women will like it.
@Kamen Rider Gatack: Slash.
Houston does have some decent stores. You just have to look for them. Not that I care, I rather order games over steam or PSN.
Pokemon vs Capcom.
@Quilt: I'm confused... do you mean boxer??
@IanC: this is full of win
@randomrawr: Answer, Women. More specifically, my wife... Until I introduced her to WAR. Now she is a bloodthirsty muthafucker.
@Bael: I agree with you. but whats worse are fake anime geeks who geek over anime that just recently made it to america. Seriously, those series that you just found out about on cartoon network have been over and dead with for millions of years in asia. Please geek about something current.
You know, I loved Corruption for the short while I had it... I'd love the Trilogy. I just cant stand to boot up the Wii. I dont know if it's the controls or what... I am just saying I would pay double for the trilogy on PS3 of 360. Hell, Nintendo should put this sucker out on PC over steam. I'd pay quadruple the…
@Revenge_of_Nekojin: Do ODST jump like Lugi in Mario 2??
@gekkogreaver: WHAT THE WAFFLE.
@ImmortalArbiter: except it isnt there in the game which is what counts. I shouldnt have to go out and buy novels to read to get any type of back story on the game I am about to play (however I should want to go out and buy that stuff if the game was good enough to pique my interest).
They setup your online account... that cant be a good thing, can it?
@Cyberxion101: why the fuck are you asking clerks for sage like advice on rpg's and shit. It's a god damn clerk. Do the research online your fucking self.
@CrazyHaze: it isnt commission based. But the poor kid could lose his job if he doesnt produce the numbers.
@senselocke: Dont buy used games. Buy new games. Support your developers who make the good shit. Used games give no money to the developers.
I used to work at gamestop and we stole everything in the store.
@Frogbot: you have never seen some of the games that dumbshits trade in at gamestop. I wish their moms beat the shit out of them or they bought the protection plan. Everytime I see a kid wipe the dust off a disc on his blue jeans I die inside.
@Salen: going into circuit city was like going into a slightly nicer comp usa. Either way you came out feeling like you got your ass handed to you.