
Canada's version of ESPN.

Congratulations to the Sabres for a tank job for the ages.

All the good stuff happened before today! Perron, Kane, Clarkson, Vermette, Yandle....

Yelp only has power over restaurants that give it to them. Bottom Bistro in Richmond, CA has a deal where you get a discount if you give them a one-star review. They started doing it after Yelp tried to extort them into paying for advertising that they didn't want, and are doing better than ever. They even say that

That dude's right knee just blew right out on live TV.

As an added bonus these glasses will also prevent the wearer from ever having sex with another person.

2015 Gawker: ISIS skit on SNL tries to be a "funny" "death to America" parody, gets criticized on Twitter... "LOOK AT ALL THOSE DUMB PEOPLE NOT GETTING HUMOR!" Dustin Penner makes an ill advised rape joke... "He's a monster and rape is never funny, and I hope he gets fired from his job!" Oh, Gawker Echo Chamber,

Yeah, I think you're reading too much from a simple poster.

Animi Causa's $12 Cup Clip...

That dragon is magnificent. I especially love the way the blue complements the black.

Yeah, but what color is THE ICE?

Include female enemies, but don't sexualize those enemies

Great article!

Yeah, I have to disagree with Mark that there was "only one way to handle it." This probably felt cathartic at the time, but it's not a good look.

Is this going to lead to more magazine articles about how awful it is when these terrible narcissistic, entitled children cut off their parents just for subjecting them to year after year of abuse?

No, that's not a good way of handling it. That just spreads more pus around. And no doubt her inlaws are now concerned about who's joining their family.

If you're a grownup (and if you're getting married, you should be one of these) and you don't want to invite people to your function, don't. That's it. Full stop. If

I went to Vegas last year just to see Beck at The Life is Beautiful Festival. Seriously. I stood there watching bands I never even wanted to see live, because I wanted a decent spot to see a performer whose music I love and whom I'd never seen in person before.

These men are gladiators. They pay the physical price for the fortune and fame, and perhaps that's why we love them as heroes. It's important to keep in mind that their choices to sacrifice their bodies for this glory is indeed a choice; I have no sympathy for those living a life of privilege and excess that

If Beck was black this jerk off Kanye West wouldn't have done anything.