
It’s about time we stop the horrendous exploitation of these men for our entertainment and set these slaves free like everyone.

You realize one or both of these fights aren’t going to happen as billed, right?

I’d feel sick all day if that was my desktop.

Holy fuck - this isn’t “blackface”, you fucking alarmist panty-waist dimwits.

While that lunatic in the video is telling his wife he loves her, she’s out boning some other dude. Probably his cousin. Maybe her cousin.

It’s clearly because Rey is a secondary character that dies early on in the next film. Duh.

Undertale is bad, and you should feel shame.

Doesn’t Lifehacker usually label sponsored posts?

He’s going to let the show write his books. Lazy ass.

Would have preferred to see 100 vs 1.

Samer spent like $180 to get eight of these ducks imported from Sweden, which is the only place they’re sold.

Women aren’t good at math OR driving. This is proof.

Second loss. WTF Deadspin, do some editing.

Are Kanes not Abel to keep it in their pants in Buffalo?

Replace “hover” with “snow”, and you have 25 years plus of Christmas joy in Canada.

Could be. Or he’s actually an American pretending to be Canadian, like many do while travelling.

Who said he was Canadian? He could be British, or French, or Algerian, or Japanese, or German, or...

Hardly a penalty.

1944. Look it up.

AAAAND you have met him on his level